Paradigm Shift Private Consulting

We specialize in a Paradigm Shift mindset needed in order to complete steps to true sovereignty and releasing the lion within. We help show you how to conduct productive research, investigations, evidence collection, and best practices to operate and live in peace within your own private castle. Legally and financially. There is no better way for you to accomplish this is to learn it and then live it.


We have over 2,500,000 hours of combined research & a network of resources you won’t find at any other single source.


Cognitive Dissonance is a term many are unaware of until they are confronted with it in life. Imagine holding a strongly held belief your entire life only to realize what you believe is not true. When a person is confronted with this, they are faced with a choice. Continue to believe what is now known to be untrue or change the belief. “When an honest man finds he is mistaken, he either ceases to be mistaken or he ceases to be honest.” To us, there is “no right way to do the wrong thing and, in order for me to be free, you have to be free. This is true freedom. Not 51% telling the other 49% what and how to live.


In American law, until or unless a damage is occuring, a right restricted, or property encroached, no one or group of men have any right to bother you in any manner or form. This is what a “Republican form of government” is. No more complex and so very simple.


One signature on a document does not constitute a contract as a contract requires 2 parties. A document with a sole signature usually defines an authorization to perform. It is finite details like this that allow you to hold power to negate others opinions or beliefs that may cause you property damage had you not known.


We teach you how to research and obtain facts, evidence, direct testimony, and law to prove you may not even have a loan in need of canceling. Do you really have a mortgage? Chances are you don’t have an enforceable one. How does one cancel that which does not legally exist? Some choose to fight and others choose to just turn the “Bright Light” on and watch the bad guys scatter. We believe that choosing to fight sometimes may actually provide evidence that what you can evidence does not even exist actually does and you loose as a result. Why would I want to discharge that which factually does not even exist? If I attempt to “pay/discharge/offset an alleged bill, does this not in and of itself evidence there is “something” to pay?


Are there any hidden unknown but active contracts in existence regarding your name and account number? If you find any and was unaware, how do you deal with it? Can it be stopped? Should it be stopped?


Many advertise “Cancel Your Debt” only to self-enrich themselves. Sadly, the result is either a failure or, if it is successful, people’s greed steps in and self-enrichment enters again all while permitting the continuation of the status quo. To us, the system just needs to go away. This is the only way. Shut it right down once and for all and for good. We believe it all just simply needs to stop once and for all if the people are to obtain true peace in their lives.


Many are simply shocked when they uncover, by themselves, they most likely don’t have taxable income.
You want to find the “Silver Bullet”? Well look in a mirror. You are the silver bullet and once realized and lived, many things begin to change.


You are the sovereign. You just need to learn how to and build the courage to live it. They say that possession is 9 tenths of the law. I always ask what the other tenth is. In commercial law, it is “Control” Yes, you can possess and control it all. Rights, Property, assets, everything. There are ways to legally and lawfully live in private and in peace.


With proper and accurate information, evidence, and knowledge, you will be able to do just this.


Will anyone step in if you are put in a situation you are not prepared for? What better way to deal with this than you having all it takes to do it all yourself? Empowering but sadly, most prefer the path of least resistance by getting others involved to resolve “their” situation. Yes, some are induced by some that just want to make a few bucks with promotional type enticements.


We prefer self- knowledge as it is you and only you, in front of a court if that result occurs. Can you handle this? Do you trust an attorney (known to be in majority favor of governments, banks, and major corporations) to actually argue your case based on the facts and evidence you already received? If so, good luck and we pray you find one as many still search without positive results. If you do, please share if possible.


With our video collection, documentation, case law library, presentations, and Court Document Template series, affiliate pages and contacts, you will have more than enough to get you off and running all on your own. Please note, Rome was not built over night and it will take time to learn the massive amount of information available and needed in order to truly stand in confidence and have all info at the tip of your own tongue. This is true for any topic as well.


Anyone can do it, the question is will you and most importantly, can you do it? This question only you can answer however, the more that can do this, the more the power shifts in your/our favor.


The same is true with trading stocks, currencies, or whatever. The more one knows, the easier it is and the more comfortable they get with it.


Our staff has decades of experience with both charts, indicators, as well as fundamentals. See below for more:


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Cryptocurrency Consultants

With decades of industry experience and the desire to share our knowledge and experience, our private consultants strive to consult our members in taking full control of their future.

Learn about the markets, strategies, risk management, innovative programs, and the best practices to help you become your own best boss.

We do not give advice of any kind but rather provide information and education so that you can make sound decisions for your own goals and desires.

Save time and money by taking advantage of decades of experience to accelerate your voyage in the new and innovating Digital revolution.  

Trading Consultation

Have you been interested in trading online but felt it is too complicated or that you can never do it on your own? Feel like you don’t have time to trade or to do the proper research to learn the best practices? Are you tired of seeing brokers or 401K accounts lack in desired growth while taking your money regardless of your account balance? Want to un-bank yourself and learn the overall assets markets or maybe you just want to see what all the trading hype is in the cryptocurrency market?

Well you have found the right spot. Paradigm Shift Private Consulting (PSPC) consultants have decades of personal trading experience in the currency, stocks, commodities, and now crypto trading world and we are ready to help teach you what it is all about, best practices, top rated indicators, technical and fundamental research practices, as well as the different types of risk management so you can trade these markets on your own.

What we don’t do is give advice, opinions, or tell you what you should or should not put your assets into but rather, we educate you on how you can take this all on, on your own so you are in full control and understand how it all works. We believe in self-empowerment as this is the best way for everyone to take control of their assets and learn what the markets and trading are all about.

PSPC Crypto Trading Manual gives you everything you need to get started and have most all the information at the tip of your hands. The manual is by no means complete and there are certain technical and theoretical topics not included and that is exactly why our private consultants are available for personal one on one consultations. To help answer any questions, help set up technical accounts/charts, and how to utilize the information provided in the Crypto Trading Manual.

Contact our private consultant team to start you on your new trading journey today

Web Design & Hosting Solutions

With over 80 years of combined experience working with fortune 100 companies on high profile financial, telecommunications and pharmaceutical projects. 12 years ago our team changed its focus to the private sector. Large corporations can’t do anything positive for people because they concentrate wealth instead of spreading it, so we make a positive difference by elevating small to medium sized endeavors.

We take your goals and business vision and transform it into a compelling and engaging online presence your current and potential customers will love. We extend your customer base and reach by providing a professional web design that looks beautiful on mobile and desktop and is functional on every platform.

Our expert design, development, hosting and digital marketing teams always create unique but practical solutions that bring success in the highly competitive online world.

We provide internet technology services from personal or family sites to full service business sites of all sizes at reasonable prices.

Let’s create the road to your success together! Ready to discuss your project?

Meet Our Team

Private Crypto Consultant

  • Certified Paralegal Blackstone 4.0 GPA
  • Entered Crypto markets in 2017
  • 20 Years personal currency, stocks, and blockchain trading
  • 30 years corporate/finance/insurance experience
  • 1997 AFIP Certification (Automotive Financial and Insurance Professionals)

Private Crypto Consultant

  • Certified Systems Engineer / Architect
  • 18 Years personal currency, stocks, and blockchain trading
  • 30 Year IT Proffesional / Project Leader / Automation Systems
  • 30 Years Programming Experience In Banking & Pharmacuticals

Need Consulting? Contact Us Now!

Paradigm Shift Private Consulting merges the best tools and tech to provide our clients with the best possible solutions for your success. We combine everything you need to create successes in the private sector.

Contact Us Today, putting things off until tomorrow never works.