This extensive teaching series was created and presented by Jack and Margy Flynn in association with the producers, Mel and Amber Carmine, all of whom have all priority rights to this series. They make this series available to the general public for educational purposes only. The material contained in the series may not be altered, changed, or abridged in any way, whatsoever, nor used for commercial or monetary purposes. Our intent in providing this teaching series is to awaken the American people and the people of the world to the frightening fact that Communism has taken over America, with cooperation from domestic-enemy-public-officer-traitors holding office at all levels of all governments. The American people must realize that only the people can stop Communism, so they must accept their duties and responsibilities as the keepers of freedom to oppose and stop this insidious threat before it totally destroys America and any semblance of freedom on this Earth. America must again become the shining beacon of light and freedom for this world, as was intended long ago.
Jack & Margy Flynn’s Organic Constitution Teaching Series
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